Nslookup Mr.

nslookupIt is a tool that you run from the external host command.
Host name or IPAddress  Please enter the.

nslookupDescription of Kimi

This tool from the external host nslookupIt is the tool you want to run. Or the target host always IPPlease set to host that owns their own always address.
It's easy to use. The host or the target IPEnter the address, nslookupI just press the Run button. Execution limit on the number of times of the day at this time 10Times are.
nslookupPossibility that people who do not know are watching this page is low, but Briefly Although it is the command that runs when you run this tool,
nslookup Target host (or IPAddress ) (ex hogehoge.com or Next
Global from the target host IPOr Forward, the address, global IPFrom the address I can reverse lookup a host name.